Saturday, December 1, 2012

OOTD: Red Sweatshirt Thingy

Hello! Happy December 1st! It's snowing! :D or :(  Depends on the reader; my mind-reading powers aren't that advanced! Today I'm wearing a red sweatshirt (I think it's a sweatshirt?) and feather earrings, both from Forever 21. The shirt has an owl on it but you can't see it ( I know you're thinking :( right now; my mind-reading powers aren't that limited). The sweatpants are from abercrombiekids. 


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Sup sup hi peeps gotta go!

Outfit Details:
Fluffy Vest: abercrombiekids
Red Shirt with doggy on it: ???
Black Jeans: 77 Kids


Friday, November 9, 2012

OOTD: Happy Halloween! 2012

Hello! This Halloween I was wearing....a bunny costume! You can tell I love bunnies, first, because of the title of the blog (Sensiblebunny's Style Files), and second, because of the show I started, called Sensiblebunny. Oh, yeah, speaking of the Sensiblebunny Show, the first 2 episodes are out! The Devil's Work (which is divided into Part 1 and Part 2) and Flipped. The next episode should be out soon! Watch them at! For Halloween, my brother was Iron Man. The light thingy on his chest lights up, so it's pretty awesome. :)

Little bunny tail!

Tristan in his Iron Man costume. The light's blinding! O.o

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

OOTD: Red Hearts

Like I promised, I'm wearing mah red heart tights! :) They're also from crewcuts. I am also wearing a fluffy Hello Kitty vest from Target and a pink and navy stripey shirt from abercrombiekids. Oh, and sorry for the quality of the pictures, they were taken from an iPad. xD 
Also, the Sales and Deals tab went poof. Replacing it is....(drum-roll please) SENSIBLEBUNNY SHOW! :D The Sensiblebunny Show is going to be a show (obviously). Our actors and crew are using iMovie, and we have already made the trailer for Meet Sensiblebunny and Sensiblebunny 2. We are planning to be done with the first episode this weekend. It's about missing candy. Sensiblebunny is on a quest to find the culprit. :O I'm playing Sensiblebunny. And in case you didn't know, the S.B. in S.B.'s Style Files stands for Sensiblebunny. So it's really Sensiblebunny's Style Files. :O

Sunday, September 30, 2012

OOTD: Purrty in Purple

Hi guys! Today's special feature is not my mind-reading skills! O.o ← But I still bet this is you right now. Anyways, the special feature is (drum-roll please)...Purple polka-dotted tights! The second highlight of the day is (drum-roll please)...A gray V-neck sweater dress. The third highlight is...just kidding. The fourth highlight is...whaat? 
I love polka-dots. I love the word polka. I love the word dots. I love polka and dots together especially. Polka-dots. :D That must be like the awesomest word ever after bunny. And I love the look of a polka-dot.   A beautiful purple polka-dot! So, since my mom also loves polka-dots, she got me purple tights with white polka-dots on them from crewcuts (kids part of J.Crew). Also, notice the red heart I randomly placed after "purple polka-dot!"? That was because I also love red hearts, and the next post I am going to do is going to be all about red heart tights. But red hearts aren't as awesome as purple polka-dots. Or white polka-dots on a purple background.
The gray v-neck sweater dress is from abercrombiekids. I got it years ago, so I don't think they still sell it. Also, I'm not sure if it's even supposed to be a sweater dress or if I just wear it like a sweater dress because it's really long. I'll go check if it's still being sold....Nope! That's too bad. I can't even find anything similar. :( Well, this sweater is super soft, so :) for that.
My bad, there is a third highlight! My super awesomely awesome fake Alexander McQueen scarf. It's amazing how much cheaper you can buy fake scarves than Alexander McQueen scarves. It's a skull scarf, which you can guess because I did say fake Alexander McQueen. It's not silk; it's polyester, but, it cost about $16.00! As apposed to this $295.00 Alexander McQueen. They look exactly the same, but one's fake, one's real, I guess you could say. Oh yeah. And my fake one doesn't say Alexander McQueen on it. Whatev. I got it at Nordstrom.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

OOTD: Gingham Blazer

WARNING: Do not read the first paragraph if you do not have a lot of patience!
Hello! Guess what I got? A blazer! :O ← I bet this is you right now. I know right, I'm a mind reader. :) ← I bet this is me right now. I know right, I'm a mind reader. So anyways, the blazer is black and white gingham. O.o ← I bet this is you and me right now. I know right, I'm a mind reader. As well as my first blazer, it's my first gingham (I think). D: I'm not going to say I'm a mind reader because I bet that isn't me or you right know. The D: face is very hard to do in real life. I know right, I'm a mind reader. This blazer makes me look much more adult, but that's OK, because once someone mistook me for a 3rd Grader. I need to look more mature. xD ← I bet this is me right now. I know right, I'm a mind reader. So I'll shut up about the mind reader thing.

I decided to pair the gingham blazer with a blue glass necklace and violet-ish lavender-ish jeggings. I got the necklace from a street stand in New York City, along with like 7 other glass necklaces (I'm not exaggerating). The jeggings are from GAP (buy similar here). I was going to wear black jeans or black jeggings but then I put them on and went ewwwww, why am I so super duper uncolorful? The other part of my brain that's really dumb because all it can do is keep me balanced (my cerebellum) said I don't know. So I changed into these purple jeggings. 


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Shoes Review

Today I'm going to review all the shoes I have except for hiking shoes, sneakers, etc. So like sandals and dressy shoes and stuff. :D Which is 7 pairs of shoes. I'm not sure if that's a lot by other peoples' standards for a kid. Well, anyways...

Missoni for Target ZigZag Flats


  • Super Comfy
  • Easy to put on/take off
  • Super Stylish

  • Have to wear with pretty plain outfits or else will look too design-y if you get what I mean

Pink Stripey Heels


  • Stripes are easier to pair than zigzags in my opinion
  • It is mostly just a platform, not a heel, so, for a heel, it is not that bad to walk in

  • Strappy thingy takes a long time to put on/off
  • They're heels, so you can't wear them for a long walk around Boston

Rainbow Stripe Converse


  • Easy to slip on/off unlike other sneakers
  • Good walking shoes
  • Everybody loves rainbow colors! :)

  • I hate shoelaces
  • Do you hate shoelaces?
  • Cuz personally, I hate shoelaces

Green and Pink Flower Flip-Flops


  • Easy to slip on/off

  • Too easy to slip on/off especially off -_-

Jeweled Salamander Sandals


  • The strap at the back is easy to use
  • Actually, you seriously don't even need to use the strap; just keep it strapped and slip on/off
  • Surprisingly versatile

  • They aren't walking shoes

J-Crew Anchor Flip-Flops


  • Easy to slip on/off
  • Super versatile

  • does school allow flip-flops?

Bass Red and Purple Strappy Shoes


  • Good walking shoes
  • Simple
  • Versatile

  • They're kinda skinny

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Colorado Days 3 and 4

Day 3

Day 3 was scary. We drove for hours up an extremely bumpy, hilly, dangerous, and rocky cliff-side trail to St. Elmo, a ghost town in the mountains, with our little Jeep-car thingy, an ATV, and a motorcycle. Extremely dangerous. 

St. Elmo was hot. Very hot. Very very hot. Very very very hot. We ate sandwiches in the shade of an abandoned shop and watched people feed chipmunks. And we decided that feeding chipmunks sounded like a lot of fun and bought a bunch of sunflower seeds to feed them with. I think they have learned not to be afraid of humans (because we feed them), because I have never been that close to a chipmunk before.


Day 4

We went white water rafting on Day 4! :) We got to swim da rapids. :D

We also went to the Black Canyon in Gunnison. Really, it's just some black cliffs, but they were pretty and we hiked to the bottom and across. At the bottom was a huge river.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Colorado Day 2

Hiya! On Day 2 of our trip to Colorado, we went to our little log cabin in Pitkin, a rural town in the mountains. Pitkin is at an elevation of 9,241 feet. Look at what the low air pressure does to our bags. xD
all puffy
 Well, anyways our cabin was beautiful. Inside, there were 2 floors, or maybe 3 floors, if you count the tiny loft you can get to by a ladder on the 2nd floor, but I think it's too small to count. The loft is really fun to be in because it overlooks the parents' bedroom. We would go up there and play Pokémon cards and stuff. Us kids also had our own bedroom with 3 beds and a really cool alarm clock that projects the time onto the ceiling. ere 2 bathrooms total, which I don't think was enough for all 8 of us, even though it was supposed to be a 14-person cabin. There's also a balcony overlooking the driveway, but that wasn't as awesome as most would think because it was covered in sap. Downstairs, there was another bedroom which had a bunkbed and another queen-sized one. There was also a mini kitchen, a dining table, a random other table, and 4 sofas around a fluffy rug in front of a fireplace, where we cooked s'mores.

In the morning, we walked around outside of the cabin. It's extremely dry in Colorado, so our lips cracked after a while. Pitkin is only 0.3 square miles (I just found that out) so it isn't easy to get lost. The roads are mostly dirt and gravel, but the main road is paved.

Later we went up the mountains to the Alpine Tunnel, which I believe used to be a train that went through the mountains that transported cattle from Colorado to California. The drive up took about an hour and ½. We took the "Razor", which is kind of like a Jeep® except without windows, and I think it's a little smaller, but I may be mistaken.
This is the razor.
 On our way up we encountered a waterfall. No, actually we were waiting for our uncle to catch up on his motorcycle and randomly started hiking and found it.

Unfortunately, when we got up the mountain to the Alpine Tunnel, a hailstorm started. We ate sandwiches with some difficulty in the hail and then drove down the mountain at like 20 mph, which was about double the speed we went up at.

The rest of the day wasn't interesting; the hailstorm stopped, but we just hung out around the cabin. We ate taco soup/salad/I'm-not-really-sure-but-it-was-tasty for dinner & then played Apples to Apples all night. :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Colorado Day 1

    I just came back from Colorado. We stayed at a lofty cabin in a small town in a valley between some mountains called Pitkin. (Pitkin is a 4-hour drive from Colorado Springs, and our plane didn't land there; it landed in Denver, which is an hour and ½ from Colorado Springs, so on our first day, we stayed at a hotel and went to places around Colorado Springs.) 

Day 1

Day 1 was not exactly the most exciting. We drove from a hotel in Denver to Pikes Peak. There, we waited a few minutes for our cousins to arrive, and then hiked a bit up the mountains. We got back down just in time to board the cog train up Pikes Peak. The way up took about 2 hours (ugh) but the views were beautiful. I took the picture ↑ above ↑ from the train. Cog trains are pretty cool because they can go up mountains at a 25° angle, powered upwards by spinning gears. That is also how the train can control its speed on the way down. When we reached the summit of Pikes Peak we were allowed 40 minutes to go to the bathroom, look around, buy a donut at the gift shop, etc.  Pikes Peak is at 14,114 feet up so I became quite dizzy, but it was fun. :D 
This is me, Tristan, my cousin Sawyer, and my cousin Dawson in front of the train.

After we got down from Pikes Peak, we went to the Garden of the Gods. I think that was more fun than the 4-hours total train ride. When we got there, we all ran about collecting quartz and red pebbles from the rock formations. There were some climbing hooks where people were climbing the structures, but they were too big for us to climb up...
Tristan, Sawyer, Dawson, and me on a small rock at the Garden of the Gods.

This picture has a pretty good view of the bigger rock formations and in the grass, there's a random deer. :P

After that was lunch/dinner combined at about 4:00 (Colorado time of course) and the rest of the day wasn't interesting. We went to the grocery store and then was the 4-hour drive to Pitkin. We arrived in Pitkin sometime at night and went to sleep.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

OOTD: J-Crew Anchor Dress

THIS DRESS IS AWESOME! I just got it from J-Crew Crewcuts, and of 7-12-2012, it is the only size 12 clothing I fit in. xD I love the rope belt, too, it can be taken off and it gives the dress more...I don't know, just more. Like, without the belt, the dress would be too plain. And the dress is washable. It is so unbelievably hard nowadays to find good dresses, coats, and skirts that are washable! Oh, and this is really comfy and airy, so it's really good for the Massachusetts summer air. And, our pool's fixed! We're planning to get pavers around it to replace the ugly concrete, but I'm not sure yet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Forever 21 Mini + Mary Kay Makeover

Hallo! I just got this skirt from Forever 21. :D It's so pretty. The cardigan matches it surprisingly well. :) ... ... I can't believe that it's summer and right now its only 65 degrees. How annoying. But whatever. We can't swim in our pool because we're getting the liner replaced. We're also removing that ugly strip of grass in the pool area, changing the concrete ground to natural stone, and getting a pool house. And we may even be fixing the heater. It's high time now. So, anyways, ... ... it's a pretty boring summer. We're not going on any vacation until August, so I should probably take more pictures of what I wear and post more. It's not like I don't have the time. I'm really getting off subject. Heck, I don't know what to say that's on topic anyways. Oh yeah, and on you can change your hairstyle It's so cool. See? It would probably help if the picture was less blurry though.

Outfit Details:
Short-sleeved yellow Cardigan: Ann Taylor LOFT
Polka-dot Navy + White Mini-Skirt: Forever 21

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

School's Out Fashion Journal: Day 4

This is our last day of school. It wasn't very exciting...
... ....
Except for that it was upside down! :D

Sunday, June 10, 2012

School's Out Fashion Journal: Day 3


From left to right: Christine, Jasmine, other Jasmine, Andrea, and Tristan.

We won a gumball machine!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Please comment below if this book doesn't show up or if the animoto doesn't show up.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

OOTD: Diane von Furgensberg

No words. The dress is from gap. So are the shoes.

And believe it or not I learned how to fly! 


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